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HomeTrain Meets

The Midwest Division holds train meets from September through May.  The months of June, July, and August are set aside for members and families to enjoy their summer time activities; although an outing or two might be scheduled for anyone who wishes to participate. There are several options open to us to include: a second Live Steamer facility, trip to the Illinois Railway Museum in Union, Illinois, a baseball game or two, and anything else our membership would advocate. 

The months of September and March have been heralded as a Big Meet gathering, where we encourage members from a distance to come and meet with others.  We add a few more hours to the meet time, and encourage displays of special interest or construction.  

The Christmas Meet is the highest attended.  Not only does Santa Claus bring a gift for every young child, the division provides free refreshments for all who attend.  Also, more area is provided for displays to include tables and "on the floor," locations. 

Although not open to the public, our division does provide a guest status for individuals to come and see what the Midwest Division is all about.  The Midwest Division participates in several activities around the area to include train shows in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Oak Lawn, Illinois and Lyons, Illinois.  Various libraries in the area will have our modular group setting up a train layout. Eleven months of the year, we have a presence at the Great America Train Show, at the DuPage County Fairgrounds.  At each of these events, interested individuals can ask for a complimentary guest pass to our train meets.

We have trains, we have friends, therefore we have fun!